When I
created science and social studies templates for current event articles, I
needed a great kid-friendly source with articles that would peak their
interest. I wanted my students to be able to choose articles that they were
excited to read and write about.
A website
called, DOGO News, was just what I was looking for. The website continuously
produces high interest articles that even I find fascinating. The best part is
that it is geared toward kids, so you don’t have to worry about the content. Please know
that I discovered this website on my own and have not been asked to promote
them. I just genuinely think it rocks and so do my students.
If you’re
interested in my science and social studies current event templates, visit myTPT store. You can even get a FREE SOCIAL STUDIES CURRENT EVENT from my Social Studies Current Event Pack.
though, go to DOGO News and briefly scan the articles. I can just about
guarantee you will be excited to share this with your students.